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    Divers located the remains of a German submarine, 70 years after it perished near Nantucket Island. (Photo: AP Photo/U.S. Navy)<a href="" target="_hplink">Read the story here. </a>
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    Signs of disintegration can be already seen in the central Jonglei state, where army abuses have fuelled a rebellion by a leader of the small Murle tribe. Soldiers have looted aid agencies and fighting has cut off tens of thousands of people from aid, according to the U.N.
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    But the fragility of eurozone banks and the pressures from the US point to why the ECB may offer another set of cheap loans to banks. It would be the third year running for the central bank to offer the so-called LTRO, or long-term refinancing operation, to eurozone banks. In 2011 and 2012, the ECB lent about 1 trillion euros that helped to prop up eurozone banks during some of the worst times in the crisis. About half has been paid back, but it looks like eurozone banks may need more help to cope with the ongoing stresses. Plus, the situation in the US isn't helping.
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    Kerry and Lavrov opened talks in the Swiss city on Thursday on putting Syria's chemical weapons under international control, but differences emerged at the outset over U.S. threats of a military strike.
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    Dennis Kelleher, the chief executive of the non-profitBetter Markets, a lobby group advocating greater transparency infinancial markets, blames the delays on industry representativeswho fear the new rules will make structured products lessprofitable.
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